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How Often Does a Home Need New Pipes?

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Van in front of house getting ready for a service callWith adequate maintenance, a pipe can last anywhere from 20 years to almost a century before it needs to be replaced. However, depending on its condition, you may need to replace it long before it reaches the end of its useful life. Let’s take a look at a few variables to consider when determining if your home needs new pipes.

Are the Pipes Showing Signs of Damage?

A damaged pipe can cause water leaks and other secondary issues that can lead to additional damage to your home. Therefore, if you’re seeing signs of water damage throughout your house, it may be a sign that you need new pipes. You may also notice that the water leaking from the pipes is red or brown, which indicates rust is forming on them. You may also notice that water coming out of faucets or taps is brown, red or cloudy. Finally, it may be a good idea to consider replacing pipes if you’re experiencing inconsistent water pressure.

Are You Planning to Renovate Your Home?

If you’re planning on gutting your kitchen or bathroom, you might want to consider replacing old pipes. This may be especially true if they are damaged or were not installed properly. Effectively, you have an easy and convenient opportunity to take care of a major home improvement project that you’ll have to get around to eventually. In the event that a professional is completing the renovation, it may cost less to have pipes replaced as part of the overall project.

When to Consider Replacing Only a Few Pipes Instead

While it may be tempting to replace all the pipes currently in your home, this isn’t always necessary. For instance, if pipes in your basement are relatively new or are still within their useful lives, it wouldn’t make sense to get rid of them because a pipe leading to the kitchen is leaking. In such a scenario, it would likely be best to simply replace the damaged pipe and leave the others alone.

You Should Have Pipes Inspected Regularly

Even if you don’t think that your home’s pipes need to be replaced, it’s still a good idea to have them inspected regularly. Ideally, you’ll have this done once a year, but you may be able to get away with having this done every two or three years instead. An inspection may reveal problems that you couldn’t detect on your own such as hairline pipe fractures or a water leak in an interior wall.

Call the Team at Benjamin Franklin Plumbing for Assistance

If you are thinking about replacing the pipes in your home, give the team at Benjamin Franklin a call today. We may also be able to repair existing pipes or take other steps to resolve plumbing problems in a timely and affordable manner.