Plumber in Lakeland » Blog » Can my pipes be repaired or do I need to replace?

Can my pipes be repaired or do I need to replace?

Benjamin Franklin Plumbing Tech in front of Van in Lakeland FLWhen the pipes in your home experience issues like leaking or low water pressure, you might debate about whether you should repair or replace them. These tips can help you determine when you should hire a company like Benjamin Franklin Plumbing for pipe repairs and when you should hire it for pipe replacement.

When to Repair Your Home’s Pipes

Pipe repairs can address minor to moderate issues you experience with your home’s plumbing. These plumbing issues can include:

  • Low water pressure
  • Higher than usual monthly water bills
  • Unusual pipe noises like gurgling
  • Water stains on your floor, ceiling or walls
  • Frequent pipe leaks

Repairing your home’s pipes can likewise offer a variety of important benefits. For example, professional plumbing repairs typically are less invasive and do not take as much time to complete as completely or partially replacing your pipework.

Moreover, repairs cost less money than a replacement job and can provide you with an immediate solution to your pipe problems. Plumbers may suggest you repair your pipes if they require:

  • Snake draining
  • Sectional repiping
  • Epoxy liners
  • Hydro-jetting

Repairs can provide you with an ideal solution if you have a limited budget for addressing your plumbing issues or want to get more life out of your current plumbing system. An experienced plumber can inspect and advise you when you need plumbing repairs.

When to Replace Your Home’s Pipes

Replacing your home’s pipework can satisfactorily address major issues you have with it. For example, you should replace outdated and old pipes that no longer meet code regulations.

You should also replace your pipes if the water coming from them becomes discolored or looks rusty. Discolored water can hint at a problem like corrosion inside the pipes.

Additionally, if you experience sewage leaks in your home, you should replace the pipes to ensure the safety and cleanliness of your home’s water supply. Finally, a plumber can replace pipes that contain large clogs or have tree roots growing in them.

Replacing your home’s pipework offers numerous advantages, such as:

  • Long term solutions
  • Optimal pipe function
  • Plumbing system updating
  • Better home value

When you replace your home’s plumbing, you effectively solve the major problems you experienced with it.

Problems with your pipes can call for you to either repair or replace them. Some issues respond better to prompt repairs while others require you to replace the pipes entirely. You can get more information from an experienced plumber from a service like Benjamin Franklin Plumbing.